Moscow, VDNH, Prospect Mira 119, p. 519

+7 (985) 997-19-00

weekdays 11-20, weekend 10-21
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Argema mimosae

Price: 6000.00 RUB 6000.00 RUB
  • Butterfly data
  • Habitat: Central Africa, South Africa
  • Wingspan: about 13 cm.
  • Lifespan: about 7 days
  • Complexity of the content: Simple
  • Feeding: does not eat

Rarely available, available on request !

Argema mimosae, the African moon moth.

Immediately, we note the peculiarity of the peacock-eyed moths, they do not eat at all, because do not have a proboscis, they do not need it, a large caterpillar before pupating (turning into a pupa) fed on a large amount of stocks and transferred them to the butterfly, therefore Peacock eyes have large belly. Until the butterfly uses it up - she lives.

Rare enough butterfly from Africa. It has a delicate greenish wing color and long tails. Tails are needed for balancing during flight. You can confuse Mimosae with the Madagascar Comet. These are butterflies not only from one family of Saturniidae, but also from one genus Argema.

Mimosae is common in Africa, and the Comet (Argema mittrei) is only on the island of Madagascar and its endemic to Mimosae is the greenish background of the wings, and the comet is yellow. Mimosae is times 2 less than Madagascar comet, and also their tails are shorter than tails of  Comet (Argema mittrei).

Do not forget, Mimosae is a moth and it is active only at night (or in the dark). In the daytime, a butterfly sits in one place, and, when disturbed, it can begin to randomly fly around the room. Her tails are quite tender and can easily be damaged in her very first days. The recommendation is how to take her in your arms - gently and slowly, placing the hand or finger under her legs, she should slowly crawl, which is not always possible.

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BATTERFLIARIUM - Butterfly House, an exhibition of live butterflies at VDNH.


Address: Moscow, VDNH, Prospekt Mira 119, p. 519
Phone: +7 (495) 997-19-00


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